Investing in a tractor can be a big decision for your operation and auctions are a great place to find the perfect tractor. Auctions offer an affordable option, but there are a few things to consider before you make your bid.

Evaluate Your Current Needs

Before attending an auction, it’s important to evaluate your operation’s current needs. Are you upgrading your current tractor or is this your first one? What implements do you plan to use? Knowing the exact features you need will help you determine the right model.

Keep in mind that older models may not have PTO, meaning vital modern attachments can’t be used with the tractor as-is. You would need to purchase a conversion kit, assuming it would be compatible with one. You’ll also need to know what type of hitch you need and what cab features you might want.

Complete an Inspection

Just like you would at a dealership, you should take a close look at the tractor you’re interested in before making any commitments. Take a look at the interior and exterior, paying close attention for signs of wear or damage.

Specific areas of focus include:

  • Tires
  • Engine
  • Exhaust system
  • Electronics
  • Exterior paint and body

Start the Engine

While stagnant inspections are great, it is also crucial to see the tractor start and run. You’ll want to notice how it idles, if there any belt squeaks, how the engine starts, and if there are any leaks after running.

Farm auctions are a great way to invest in great tractors and equipment, but you should always be diligent in research and inspection before purchase. Our team at Enlow Tractor Auction, located in Tulsa, OK, would love to help you find the right tractor for you. We proudly serve Oklahoma City and Wichita, KS.