Tips for Starting a Farm
A successful farm starts with successful planning. After all, farming is a profession that requires certain strategies and tools to make the most of what Mother Nature offers. It's not always easy, but it can be incredibly rewarding for those who feel passionate about agriculture - and the following tips can help you start off on the right foot.
If you want more advice on starting a farm or want to shop farm equipment for sale, contact the experts at Enlow Tractor Auction. We are based in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Stretch Your Farm Equipment Budget Farther
When starting a farm, you will need to get a few essential pieces of agricultural equipment. This can be a steep financial investment right off the bat, but there are ways to get more bang out of your buck.
First, consider used farming equipment. These models will be offered at steep discounts due to the impact of depreciation, even if they were hardly used and well-maintained. With a little research, you can find like-new farm equipment at a fraction of the cost.
Second, shop during the off-season. Farm equipment dealerships tend to offer specials to entice buyers to shop. Buying farm equipment at an uncommon time of year can help reduce the asking price.
Third, focus on versatile pieces of farm equipment. See if you can use one model to accomplish the work of multiple machines, either through plentiful features or getting attachments. This can help you avoid needing to buy as many pieces of agricultural equipment, which can help you save money.
Start Small and Realistic
It's easy to overestimate the amount of work a new project or job will take. Don't bite off more than you can chew!
Instead, clear a few acres of land and select one main crop. Do your research to figure out what would best match your soil, budget, and so on. As you get the hang of farming, you can expand out and plant a wider range of crops.
Take the same approach with livestock. It's best to focus on a smaller number of animals at the start and grow your operation as you develop the knowledge and skillset to scale effectively.
Think Ahead and Be Prepared
Before you start your farm, prepare for as much as you can. If you will be raising animals, find a veterinarian. Make a plan for where and how you will dispose of agricultural waste. Decide your approach for crop irrigation. Try to create action plans ahead of time, which will help make a smoother start to the launching of your farm.
Ready to shop farm equipment for sale? Enlow Tractor Auction is your local auction and wholesale agriculture dealer. We can help you select the best agricultural equipment for your specific farm and budget. Reach out or stop by our dealership in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We also proudly serve those in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Wichita, Kansas.